Client: Pharmacy (State of Florida)

Industry: Medical

Service Requested: Recruitment

Positions to Fill: 3

Pharmacy Florida

Client Issue

A critical position for an on-call pharmacist remained unfilled for three months, leaving the department unable to adequately serve its customer base. Despite extensive efforts, the department struggled to find a suitable candidate, resulting in compromised service delivery and increased workload for the existing staff.

BJE Solution

Leveraging our extensive network of talent, BJE identified three qualified pharmacists to fill the on-call positions. Within just two weeks, we presented the candidates to the department, and upon receiving approval, the pharmacists were onboarded the same day. This swift and efficient solution ensured that the department could promptly restore its service levels and meet customer needs effectively. Note: We are a subcontractor for the State of Florida, providing staffing solutions to fill various needed positions upon request.

Client Results

Thanks to BJE’s swift recruitment efforts, the pharmacy can now serve its customer base without the extensive wait times experienced in the past. The timely addition of on-call pharmacists has significantly enhanced service efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Hiring Managers: Ready to Transform Your Hiring?

Start recruiting with BJEPros today and experience a recruitment partner who truly understands the essence of retail talent acquisition. Let’s work together to create a future where your retail business thrives with the right team.