Client: Office Cleaning Company

Industry: Service - Housekeeping

Service Requested: Recruitment

Positions to Fill: 12

office cleaning company

Client Issue

The client needed cleaners and maintenance technicians for 12 cities, many of which were small towns with a limited pool of applicants. This staffing shortage hindered the company’s ability to effectively serve these locations.

BJE Solution

BJE utilized its established partnerships in the staffing and recruiting industry to identify and secure candidates for the client. We successfully found 1-2 applicants per city/town, addressing the staffing needs in each location. While we focused on the candidate search, the client handled the onboarding process in-house, ensuring a seamless integration of new hires into their team.

Client Results

The client was surprised and in disbelief at the number of qualified applicants BJE provided for interviews. This robust response exceeded their expectations and demonstrated BJE’s effectiveness in meeting their staffing needs.

Hiring Managers: Ready to Transform Your Hiring?

Start recruiting with BJEPros today and experience a recruitment partner who truly understands the essence of retail talent acquisition. Let’s work together to create a future where your retail business thrives with the right team.