Client: State of Florida

Industry: Service - Housekeeping

Service Requested: Recruitment

Positions to Fill: 1

state of florida

Client Issue

The State of Florida Department of Transportation Building faced challenges in hiring janitors. The primary issue was the difficulty in finding candidates who reliably showed up for their scheduled interviews, hindering the maintenance and cleanliness of the facility.

BJE Solution

BJE swiftly addressed the recruitment challenge by finding multiple reliable candidates within a week. These candidates attended their interviews promptly, leading to the client hiring one suitable person. The new hire was onboarded within four days, following the completion of necessary drug and background checks, ensuring the facility’s maintenance needs were met efficiently.

Client Results

The client expressed satisfaction with the efficient hiring process, appreciating the addition of a much-needed janitor to their staff. This new hire has helped maintain the cleanliness and functionality of the facility, meeting the client’s needs effectively.

Hiring Managers: Ready to Transform Your Hiring?

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