Client: Wireless Dealer – 100+ locations

Industry: Retail Wireless

Service Requested: Recruitment

Positions to Fill: 20+ weekly

wireless dealer with over 100 locations

Client Issue

The client faces a continuous challenge of high staff turnover in the retail sector, leading to a constant need for new sales representatives to maintain operations and service levels across their numerous locations

BJE Solution

BJE implemented a strategic recruitment plan to address the client’s high turnover rate by ensuring a steady flow of applicants. We established regular weekly interview sessions, screening 50-80 candidates each week. This approach allows us to maintain a pool of qualified, ready-to-go candidates who can be onboarded the same day the client needs them. This proactive strategy ensures the client can swiftly fill vacancies and keep their operations running smoothly.

Client Results

The client is more than satisfied with BJE’s consistent supply of candidates, ensuring positions are always filled promptly. They continue to use our services each week, appreciating the reliability and efficiency of our recruitment process.

Hiring Managers: Ready to Transform Your Hiring?

Start recruiting with BJEPros today and experience a recruitment partner who truly understands the essence of retail talent acquisition. Let’s work together to create a future where your retail business thrives with the right team.