What is a Hiring Manager?

what is a hiring manager

What is a Hiring Manager?

what is a hiring manager

In the corporate world, one might encounter the question: What is a hiring manager? This individual plays a vital role in the recruitment and hiring processes, acting as a gatekeeper and face of the organization who ensures that the right talent is brought on board to contribute to the company’s success. The significance of this role cannot be overstated, as hiring managers are the architects who build the team that drives a company forward.

What is the Role of a Hiring Manager in the Hiring Process?

A hiring manager begins by identifying the staffing requirements within their department, whether it’s for replacing a departing employee or creating a new position designed for companies that are growing. This involves detailed planning and gaining approval for job requisitions.


The hiring manager should avoid traditional interview questions. The hiring manager will tailor the process to assess not only technical skills but also cultural fit and alignment with company values. Personalized interviews show candidates that you see them as individuals, and not just a cog in the interview process.

Writing an Effective Job Description and Managing the Interview Process

The hiring manager has the responsibility of writing an effective job description to attract qualified candidates, which is key to attracting qualified candidates to be able to make a final hiring decision. Hiring managers are responsible for outlining the skills of the open position and the responsibilities required, ensuring they align with the company’s goals.

understanding the hiring process

Understanding the Hiring Process

The Hiring manager is actively involved throughout the hiring process, from the initial contact with candidates to conducting the interview, the job offer, onboarding and even taking part in the training of the newly hired employee. Additionally, the hiring manager works in tandem with human resources, and the hiring team to post job listings, sift through incoming resumes, and select top candidates with the relevant experience that they think will be a fit for the Company.


The hiring manager has the ultimate goal of the process is to find a candidate who not only has the right skills but also fits well with the department head using targeted behavioral interview questions that people cannot rehearse for.

Collaboration with Human Resources and the Hiring Team

An effective hiring manager collaborates closely with human resources to ensure that each step of the hiring process aligns with company policies and legal requirements. The Hiring Manager will ensure there is proper collaboration among all stakeholders involved in the hiring process. Miscommunication can lead to confusion and frustration for candidates.


A cohesive team effort creates a smoother experience for everyone involved and isn’t just the responsibility of the hiring manager.


In today’s job market, candidates often are impatient and will not wait weeks of time for the final hiring decision to be made. The candidate will simply apply elsewhere, and go with a hiring manager that gives the appearance that they are truly engaged in the onboarding process.



Candidates need to understand who has the final decision in the selection process, and also fully understand the the next steps as outlined by the hiring manager.

What is the Distinction Between Hiring Managers and Recruiters?

Hiring managers are often confused with recruiters. However, while their roles may overlap, especially in smaller businesses, they serve distinct functions. Recruiters typically handle the early stages of the hiring process, such as advertising the job and initial candidate screenings, whereas hiring managers are involved in the later stages, including interviews and final hiring decisions.


The recruiting process should be seamless regardless of who has the final hiring decision on behalf of the hiring team, and the candidate experience should be the main point of focus during the new-hire vetting process.


The Hiring Manager ensures timely responses and effective communication will ensure that each candidate fully understands the difference between the role of the hiring manager and the recruiting team.

An Effective Hiring Manager

An effective hiring manager possesses an in-depth understanding of the company and its needs for the open position. Being referred to as the “hiring manager” indicates a specific role and responsibility within an organization’s recruitment process. The hiring manager is typically a key individual who oversees the process of hiring new employees.


Hiring managers must have the expertise to assess candidates’ skills and potential to contribute to the team and company’s success. A well-structured onboarding process is vital for integrating new hires smoothly into the company culture. Hiring managers should provide the necessary resources, assign a mentor, and foster a welcoming environment to ensure a positive start for each new onboard.


The first weeks and months of the recruitment process are vital to organizations, and highly qualified applicants will be watching the actions of the hiring manager closely before a decision is made to stay with the company long-term. The new hire must quickly realize that the open position they now fill serves its purpose.

The Job Description

The job description should give the complete picture of the open position and serve as a tool for employers and potential candidates. The new job being advertised provides detailed information about a specific job opening within an organization. Companies with numerous open positions are looking for the right team member who can play a key role in the business. Overall, the new employee is seeking a manager that can answer questions, and be available to them during onboarding.

the candidates experience in the recruitment process

The Candidate's Experience in the Recruitment Process

A candidate’s experience can impact their perception of the company. In the competitive landscape of talent acquisition and the influx of incoming resumes, fostering a positive journey should be a strategic imperative to hiring managers seeking the right new employee.


Job seekers today are not just evaluating potential employers; they are assessing the overall experience from application to onboarding.

Additional Responsibilities of the Hiring Manager

The application portion of the hiring process is the first interaction candidates have with your company. Successful hiring managers streamline the process by eliminating unnecessary steps, making it user-friendly, and ensuring compatibility across devices. Hiring managers often have responsibilities that extend beyond recruitment, such as training and integrating new employees into the company.


A hiring manager that demonstrates effective communication is the cornerstone of a positive hiring experience. Be transparent about the hiring timeline, stages of the process, and what candidates can expect. This reduces uncertainty and demonstrates respect for their time as candidates are interviewing your organization in the same manner you are interviewing them.

Screening and Interviewing

The hiring manager’s responsibilities usually involve screening resumes and conducting interviews to assess candidates’ suitability for the position. They play a crucial role in evaluating candidates’ skills, experience, and cultural fit with the organization.


The screening and interviewing process is a crucial phase in the hiring journey. It involves evaluating candidates to determine their suitability for a specific position within an organization.

Decision-Making, and the Role The Hiring Manager Plays

Ultimately, the hiring manager has the authority to make decisions about which candidate to hire. They consider input from other team members, interviewers, and human resources, but the final decision rests with them.

The Job Offer and Negotiation of Wages

Once a top candidate is identified, hiring managers are often involved in extending a job offer and negotiating terms of employment. They ensure that the offer aligns with both the candidate’s and manager’s expectations are met.

an essential part of your team

An Essential Part of Your Team

The Hiring manager and recruiter are instrumental in shaping a company’s workforce and future. They are strategic partners in the company’s growth, ensuring that the new hire is not only qualified but also aligns with the company’s vision and culture.


Creating a positive journey in the hiring process is not just about attracting top talent; it’s about building a reputation as an employer of choice. By prioritizing transparent communication, personalized interactions, and a seamless process, companies can not only secure the best candidates but also elevate their employer brand in the competitive talent market.


Remember, a positive journey is a two-way street, where both candidates and employers benefit from a well-crafted hiring process.

Hiring Managers: Ready to Transform Your Hiring?

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