What is a Virtual Hiring Event?

what is a virtual hiring event

As a Human Resource Manager, you understand the challenges of finding the right talent in today’s competitive job market. Traditional hiring events can be time-consuming and costly.

That’s why virtual hiring events are revolutionizing the way companies connect with potential employees. These online events offer a seamless and efficient way to engage with a diverse pool of candidates, all from the comfort of your office.

What is a Virtual Hiring Event?

A virtual career fairs or hiring event is an innovative solution that brings the full job fairs experience online. It allows you to meet and interact with potential candidates through a variety of digital formats, such as webinars, live chats, and video interviews. Using specialized online platforms, these events enable you to showcase your company’s brand, culture, and job openings to a broader audience.

By hosting a virtual hiring event, you can reach candidates from different geographic locations without the logistical headaches of a physical event. This means you can save on travel and accommodation expenses while still attracting top talent. Virtual hiring events streamline your recruitment process, allowing you to efficiently manage and screen multiple candidates in real-time.

Engaging in a virtual hiring event offers several benefits. You can access a larger talent pool, enhance your employer brand, and expedite the hiring process. These virtual events are designed to facilitate meaningful interactions, providing candidates with a clear understanding of your company and its opportunities.

As you consider the best strategies for your recruitment efforts, embracing virtual hiring events can significantly impact your success. They provide a flexible, cost-effective, and efficient way to find the right candidates who align with your company’s values and needs.

Learn How Virtual Hiring Events Work

Understanding how virtual hiring events work is crucial for maximizing their potential in your recruitment process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you effectively utilize these virtual career events.

Registration and Preparation

The first step is to choose the right online platform for your virtual hiring event. Look for a platform that offers features such as live video interviews, webinars, and chat functions. Once you’ve selected a platform, you’ll need to create an engaging event page that highlights your company’s culture, job openings, and what candidates can expect from the virtual hiring event platform.

There are several ways to host virtual hiring events and several different platforms to choose from including:

  • Zoom

  • Microsoft Teams

  • Google Meet

Promote your event through various channels like social media, job boards, and your company website to attract a diverse pool of candidates. Encourage interested participants to register in advance. Make sure to provide them with clear instructions on how to join the event and what materials they should prepare.

Some of the best hashtags on major social media channels to promote your hiring event are:


Event Day Activities

On the day of the event, ensure your team is well-prepared to interact with candidates. Start with a welcome webinar where you can introduce your company and provide an overview of the available positions. Following this, offer various interactive sessions such as Q&A panels, live chats, and one-on-one video interviews.

Utilize breakout rooms for specific departments or job roles, allowing candidates to connect with the relevant hiring managers. Make use of the platform’s features to keep track of candidate interactions and gather feedback from job seekers and candidates in real-time.


After the virtual event, it’s essential to follow up with participants. Send thank-you emails to all attendees and provide feedback to those who participated in interviews. This not only enhances your company brand but also keeps top candidates engaged in your recruitment process.

Review the data collected during the event to assess its effectiveness. Look at metrics such as the number of attendees, the quality of interactions, and the overall candidate experience. Use this information to improve future virtual interviews and hiring events and refine your recruitment strategies.

By understanding how successful virtual hiring events work, you can streamline your recruitment process, reduce costs, and attract a wider talent pool. These virtual recruitment events offer a flexible and efficient way to connect with potential employees, ensuring you find the best fit for your organization.

tips for employers

Tips for Employers

Maximizing the potential of your virtual hiring event requires careful planning and execution. Here are some valuable tips to help you create a successful and engaging event.

Planning and Promotion

ffective planning is the cornerstone of a successful virtual hiring event. Start by setting clear goals for your virtual event—whether it’s to fill specific roles, build a talent pipeline, or increase your company’s brand awareness. Develop a detailed agenda that includes various sessions like webinars, Q&A panels, and one-on-one interviews.

Promotion is key to attracting the right candidates. Utilize social media platforms, job boards, and your company’s website to spread the word about your event. Craft compelling messages that highlight the benefits of attending and provide a sneak peek into what participants can expect. Engaging visuals and testimonials from current employees can also help boost interest.

Engagement Strategies

Keeping candidates engaged throughout the event is crucial. Start with a dynamic welcome session that introduces your company culture, values, and the roles you’re hiring for. Use interactive tools such as polls, quizzes, and chat functions to keep the target audience involved.

Encourage your team to be proactive in engaging with candidates. Host breakout sessions for specific departments or job roles, allowing for more targeted interactions. Make sure your hiring managers are prepared to answer questions and provide valuable insights into the roles and company culture.

Technology Considerations During Virtual Career Fairs

Choosing the right platform is essential for a smooth virtual hiring event or career fair. Look for a platform that offers robust features such as live video streaming, chat functionalities, and easy integration with your existing HR systems. Ensure that the right virtual hiring platform is user-friendly for both your team and the candidates.

Technical support is a must-have. Arrange for a dedicated team to handle any technical issues that may arise during the event. Conduct a dry run before the event day to identify and resolve any potential problems. This will help ensure a seamless experience for all participants.

Tips You Can Offer Job Seekers

Helping your applicants prepare effectively for the virtual interview and hiring event is crucial to ensuring a successful outcome for both them and other potential hires at your company. Here are some key tips you should suggest to applicants to help them make a strong impression.

Preparation Tips

Encourage applicants to start by researching your company and any other participating companies. They should visit company websites, read recent news, and understand your values, culture, and available positions. This background knowledge will enable them to ask insightful questions and demonstrate genuine interest during interactions.

Advise candidates to update their resumes and cover letters, tailoring them to the specific roles they are interested in. Highlighting relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that match the job requirements is essential. Ensure they have these documents ready in a digital format for easy sharing during the event.

During the Event

Recommend that applicants prepare a quiet, professional setting for video interactions. They should dress professionally, just as they would for an in-person interview. Remind them to check their technology in advance, including their internet connection, camera, and microphone, to avoid any technical issues.

Encourage active participation in the event’s activities. They should attend webinars, engage in live chats, and participate in Q&A sessions to learn more about the companies and roles. During interactions with hiring managers, suggest they be concise and articulate about their skills and experiences. Preparing key points about their background and reasons for interest in the company will help them communicate effectively.

Highlight the importance of networking during the event. Advise them to use chat functions to introduce themselves to other participants and company representatives. They should collect contact information and connect with people on professional networking platforms like LinkedIn to expand their professional network.

Post-Event Follow-Up

After the event, suggest that applicants follow up with the contacts they made. Sending thank-you emails to hiring managers and recruiters they spoke with shows professionalism and reiterates their interest in the company. This follow-up can help keep them top of mind as hiring decisions are made.

Encourage them to review any notes taken during the event and reflect on the feedback received. This information can be used to improve their applications and interview techniques for future opportunities.

By providing these tips to your applicants, you help them prepare effectively and present themselves to potential employers in the best possible light during the virtual hiring event.

This not only benefits the candidates but also ensures that your company meets well-prepared and highly engaged potential employees.

what is the future of virtual hiring events

What is the Future of Virtual Hiring Events?

As a Human Resource Manager, staying ahead of recruitment trends is crucial. The future of virtual hiring events is bright and evolving rapidly. With technological advancements, these events are set to become even more sophisticated and effective.

Trends and Predictions

Expect to see increased integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning in virtual hiring platforms. These technologies can enhance candidate screening and matching processes, ensuring you connect with the most suitable candidates quickly. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) may also play a larger role in virtual hiring and virtual job fairs, providing immersive experiences for candidates to explore your company culture and work environment.

Automation will streamline many aspects of hosting virtual hiring events, from scheduling interviews to sending follow-up communications. This will allow your team to focus more on personal interactions and less on administrative tasks. Additionally, data analytics will provide deeper insights into candidate behaviors and preferences, helping you refine your recruitment strategies.

Hybrid Models

Hybrid hiring events, which combine virtual and in-person elements, will likely become more common. These models offer the best of both worlds: the broad reach and convenience of a virtual platform for recruiting events, coupled with the personal touch of face-to-face interactions. This approach can help you engage a wider audience and provide a more comprehensive candidate experience.

Take the Steps to Guarantee a Successful Virtual Hiring Event

“Virtual job fairs and hiring events are transforming the recruitment landscape, offering numerous advantages for both employers and candidates. As you consider implementing these virtual career fair events, remember the key benefits: broader reach, cost savings, and increased efficiency.

By effectively planning and promoting your virtual hiring event, you can host a virtual that can attract a diverse pool of qualified candidates. Engaging participants through interactive sessions and leveraging the right technology will ensure a smooth and productive event.

Work with the Leader in Virtual Hiring Events for Your Business

Finally, for those who seek professional assistance in running these virtual job events, consider partnering with BJE Pros. Our team can help you successfully execute hosting virtual career fairs and hiring events and manage all aspects of the hiring process, ensuring you find the best candidates for your organization.

Embrace the future of recruitment with virtual hiring events and take the next step in enhancing your company’s talent acquisition efforts.

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